I thought that I would create an image in order to capture the enjoyment I find when stitching. So, I used vintage buttons and thread against a fabric background. I was looking for an old-fashioned look to show the timelessness of embroidery.
I view this photo and think about how embroidery is like life. Oliver Wendall Holmes wrote, "Take your needle, my child, and work at your pattern; it will come out a rose by and by. Life is like that - one stitch at a time taken patiently and the pattern will come out all right like the embroidery. "
Photography reminds me of working on embroidery projects. It takes time and patience to get a photo just right, but I find the editing processes to be relaxing. And the results can lead to timeless images that capture the imagination. "A photograph is memory in the raw. " (Carrie Latat) And so I cherish these photographic memories just as I do a piece of heirloom embroidery.
I love the thought of embroidery - unfortunately, I'm all thumbs! LOL
You have created a beautiful and timeless image here - one which conveys the pleasure of the embroidery really well.
Hope we get to see a photo of your work! :)
We are going to make sewing kits to hold such items as sewing needles. We will sew the wool pieces together after we finish the embroidery work. I will post a photo of the finish project!
Oh wow!
How romantic!
What a charming image and I'm glad you are enjoying your sewing project. I manage a bit of knitting these days but my eyesight is not so good for close embroidery.
I look forward to seeing the finished article :)
I used to do embroidery many many years ago but my favorite passtime is crochet. I have made, doilies, baby blankets, double bed blankets, beanies, ponchos and all sorts of stuff with crochet. I find that relaxing. I like your image it conveys exactly what you wanted it to.
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