Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Promise

I can't believe that we had more snow yesterday. Today it was very windy and the temperature was about -1 degree C. We still have piles of snow here.

I am feeling discouraged because I can't get out with my camera. I hope and pray that we will get spring flowers. The snow drops, daffodils, and tulips are still buried underneath snow and ice.

There hasn't been enough natural light to do some indoor photography lately. I did buy some daffodils at the store today, so maybe I will try to photograph them using halogen lights.

So, I am posting this peony photo as my reminder that there is still a promise of spring, even here in the middle of New York State. I hope that everyone has a good week! I will be sure to catch up on posting on every one's blogs.


Anna Ridley said...

Keep your chin up Kathy - spring WILL arrive.... I was reading about you being tired of all the snow, and I was thinking of how much I would like one BIG snowfall here to go out and take photos in. We've not had more than a few flakes here all winter - not even enough to cover the ground!

{{{HUGE HUGS}}} I love that peony shot - just beautiful!


CG said...

Isn't life strange's aB and me both longing for snow, and poor Kathy, Pat and Lori have had far too much of it!!

Your peony is beautiful!!

Anna said...

Try not to be discouraged....this wil pass and then you will be stuck with thousand of photos that you have to choose to post! Hehehe.

This is a beautiful picture....

Anna said...

Thought of you when I wrote my post tonight! :)

Kaycee said...

Thanks for all of your support! Anna, I will check out your inspirational blog post!