Tuesday, January 16, 2007


As you can see, I have been working with the halogen light set-up again. This time I used candy that I purchased at the local grocery store. I liked the different colors, shapes and textures.

I was pleased with the way the light set-up worked out this time. I tried different ways of arranging the candy against different backgrounds. This was the shot that I think came out the best. I used Photo Shop to edit the photo. (Thank goodness for editing software!) The candy turned a bit soft underneath the halogen lights, so I used PS to smooth out the rough edges.

As I worked on editing the photo, I thought about all the things that help to smooth out the "rough edges" of my days. Here are just a few of my favorite things: eating rich, dark chocolate, listening to music, walking in the rain with my sweetheart, smelling a rose, drinking a perfect cup of coffee or tea, doing craft projects with my nieces, visiting the Maine seacoast, exploring a greenhouse, enjoying autumn in the Adirondacks, chatting with friends online, discussing favorite books with friends, and walking through a local nature trail.

This photo makes me recall and appreciate all of my favorite things. What are some of your favorite things? Perhaps A.A. Milne discribes this feeling best when he wrote the following in his classic children's book: "Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although eating honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called."

And so I wish you happy days filled with your favorite things!


CG said...

I liked your mention of Pooh on the moment just before eating the honey!! For me; it's the very, very start of a vacation - just before you arrive at the airport or set off in the car - when the whole experience is still ahead of you. It's the anticipation of things still to come. you inspired me to do my own list of simple pleasures in my blog :)

These sweeties were a good choice to photograph. the colours and textures have come through very well.

Pat said...

Kathy, those are my favourite candies! Once when hiking around Llangollen, North Wales away back in 1962 (the year we moved to Northern Ireland to live), we had climed Castell Dinas Bran.

I was so tired. I can't begin to say how tired I was. My cousin who lived in Chester gave me a box of these and I was away back behind Gordon and Jack eating the whole thing and I never lived that down. So every gift giving date following that North Wales walk, I got a box of these from cousin Gordon!

What a great entry on this day, Kathy. Sorry I was so busy and missed commenting. :(