Monday, April 2, 2007

Stuff and more stuff

I could get a photo to upload in my blog, so I thought that I will still post here. I have started to go through my house in order to decide what to keep. Oh, do I have a lot to discard, sell, or give away! It is going to take me some time to go through everything.

Actually, I am suprised that I don't seem to be attached to so much stuff. I just want to pare down and keep what is really important to me. My camera equipment and some cherished photos are at the top of the list. The photos include family photos as well as ones that I have had in local art and photography shows.

I also want to keep some of my favorite books. It is true that I have to go through my collection as I don't need to keep each and every paperback, but there are some that I will definately keep.

Of course, Belle, my cat will come with me! That is a given!

So, I will have to take some time out and take some photos! We may get some daffodils and tulips to bloom here soon!


CG said...

Too many possessions and too much "stuff" can wear us down and stifle us. You have a great chance to reassess your life and move forwards unencumbered by anything that's not important to you.

I have regular de-clutter sessions and I always feel energised afterwards! Then I have to avoid the temptation to buy more "stuff"!!

Wish I could come over and help dear friend xxxx

Kaycee said...

That is so true! I have a lot of work to do, but I know that I will be better off in the end!