Monday, April 9, 2007

Computer Woes

My desktop computer at home is providing me with problems at the moment. I think that it is a spyware problem. I am going to take it to the "computer doctor" to see if he can fix it. Luckily, I have backed up all of my photos and files on DVD.

So, I am using a laptop to blog today. My photo editing software is on my desktop, so I am not able to process the Easter photos. I miss photo editing. I actually find it relaxing. Hopefully, I will have the desktop up and running soon.

The weather here is still not cooperating. We have had another day of snow flurries and below average temperatures. I can't wait to get out and about with my camera again!

Please be patient with me until I get the desktop up and running again. I hope that it won't be too long!

1 comment:

Anna said...

We will be waiting! Hope it all gets worked out.