Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fallen Heroes

It has been grey and gloomy here in Central New York State for so long lately. Recent tragedies, both locally and nationally, have certainly added to my sense of despair. One week ago a local police officer was shot and killed over a routine traffic stop. This young man was just doing his job of protecting and serving our small community. This totally senseless act by was committed by a coward who is still on the run.

This Tuesday we learned of the national tragedy that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus when over 30 people lost their lives to a lone gunman (who turned out to be a student.) Words cannot properly describe the deep sadness I felt when I learned about both horrific tragedies.

How can people have so little regard for human life? It is beyond my comprehension.

One of the reasons that I enjoy making photographs so much is that the creative process allows me to celebrate life: the miracle of a spring bud, my nephew's tiny hand, the glory of a summer day, a quiet sunset, the beauty of a single snow flake, and rich hues of autumn leaves. There is something very special in picking up a camera and really seeing the beauty of all of God's creation. And it is in that creative state that I feel closer to God.

I wish that people could find such creative outlets instead of choosing violence and destruction. I know that this may sound naive, but I believe that there are ways to lead a better life.

"To everything turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn. And a time for every purpose under heaven."

Today the sun returned and the spring breeze is gentle and calm. The birds are calling and the temperatures are mild once again. And so I hope to get out with my camera this weekend and really see the glory of God's creation.

1 comment:

CG said...

As usual, I love the way you write and your ability to express your feelings. I hope you have a peaceful and creative weekend xxxx