Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter Mania

The last book in the Harry Potter series just hit the shelves at 12 am today. I now have my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and I will be busy reading it this weekend!

I read about the first Harry Potter book in a newspaper article. This was befor the book was printed here in the US. I still remember getting my copy of the first book. I couldn't put the book down because it was so cleverly written.

J.K. Rowling makes her character come to life right there on the pages of her books. I have enjoyed watching the Harry Potter movies, but I do prefer to read the books and let my imagination dictate what Harry's world is really like as well as what will happen next in the series.

As a school librarian, I have seen firsthand how the Harry Potter books have made an impact on children. The fantasy series have encouraged so many children to become better readers. I have seen reluctant readers devour the Harry Potter series and then go on to read such classics as The Chronicle of Naria series by C.S. Lewis.

Hopefully, I will be able to take a break from reading in order to take some more photos this weekend. We have had very pleasant weather lately and I want to get out with the camera before the heat and humidity returns.

I hope that you have a great weekend!


CG said...

I hope you enjoyed the book!!

Rising Rainbow said...

What you say about poor readers is sure true. My grandson is badly dyslexic but sure managed to figure out to read the Harry Potter books. For that I will always be grateful to Ms Rowlings.